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What types of tents are tent air conditioners suitable for

The air conditioning products designed by DREZ air conditioner are mainly tents. It can be used in many types of tents, including dome tents, polygonal tents, double-layer tents, arch tents and giant tents. Among these common types, DREZ air conditioner can adapt well and provide the best refrigeration effect.

What types of tents are tent air conditioners suitable for

Generally, tents for DREZ air conditioning applications have these characteristics:

  • The temporary structure or permanent structure provides great convenience. It can be used as a temporary exhibition or a warehouse for long-term use.
  • Modular structure, which can continuously extend to the ideal length in the section.
  • Be able to quickly build large warehouses or emergency medical solutions.
  • Adapt to a variety of ground.
  • It can be disassembled and installed for many times, and 100% can be reused.